Monday 9 November 2009

Distribution and marketing

Define: above and below the line: •Below the line (BTL), Above the line (ATL), and Through the Line (TTL), in organizational business and marketing communications, are advertising.•In film, those costs that occur before filming, this includes salaries of the talend and creative team (director, producer, screenwriter).
The marketing strategies for the film 2012 were: trailers,viral marketing website, campaign,broadcast over commercail television, and podcasts.
The budget for the film was $200 million.
The marketing strategies for the film 'men at stare goats' are: posters,televsion advertising and the fact that it was already a book gives it publicity.
The budget for the film was $25 Million and grossed $13,309,000.
The marketing strategies for bunny and the bull are: Trailers,reviews,youtube clips, and posters.
In 1994 when the film 'four weddings and a funeral' was realeased, there weren't as many marketign strategies available as there are today fro example below the line statgies such as youtube, podcasts,and internet based links weren't around in 1994. The film would of used stratagies such as: posters,television advertsing, viral amrketing and tv and radio. the use of merchandising is a fairly new idea.

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